
Thursday, July 9, 2009

The 3 Distinct Benefits of Naturally Produced Glutathione

In case you are still trying to understand the roles glutathione plays in the body, here’s a recap…

Glutathione is:
# The “Master Antioxidant”
# A Powerful Immune Booster
# A Cellular Level Detoxifier

Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant

Antioxidants participate directly in the destruction of reactive oxygen compounds called free radicals. These by-products of a cell’s normal function can’t be avoided, but exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or other sources promotes their emergence.

Free radicals have been linked to muscle fatigue during exercise and aging.

For this reason, the body is equipped with a variety of antioxidants. Vitamins C and E are natural antioxidants but do not occur naturally in the body.

These and other antioxidants actually depend on natural glutathione to function properly. This is why glutathione is called “The Master Antioxidant”.

Glutathione: Food for the Immune System

Glutathione helps build your immune system’s resistance and improve your chances of staying healthy.

Lymphocytes are cells of your immune system. Glutathione is essential for lymphocytes to increase in number, produce antibodies, and function efficiently.

Glutathione: A Cellular Level Detoxifier

Our food and water sources are becoming increasingly contaminated with chemicals, as is the air that we breathe.

Supplemental detoxifiers such as glutathione help to counter the effects of the toxins we inhale and ingest.

By physically binding to toxic compounds in cells, glutathione helps make them soluble - and harmless. The body can then eliminate these disarmed toxins in the bile and urine.

Raising Glutathione Levels Means HEALTH

Think for a minute on the cellular changes that would take place in your body if you were to…
# destroy the corrosive free radicals
# boost your immune system and
# cleanse your cells in a way that you have never done before.

What one supplement or diet can offer this much toward balancing your health and well-being?

Honestly, only by increasing the body’s natural levels of glutathione can you begin to treat chronic inflammation, the root cause of many illnesses and get on track to long-term health.


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