
Monday, June 28, 2010

5 Ways That Glutathione Can Enhance Your Life Revealed

glutathione can enhance your life
Have your heard of glutathione? If you have, you may have heard about the many and truly amazing positive effects that this antioxidant nutrient has on the body.

If you have never heard of the term glutathione, you should, because beginning at the tender age of 20, the natural production of this very important antioxidant actually declines more than 10 percent each and every decade.

Simply put, antioxidant glutathione is a substance that is necessary for life. The higher the levels, the better off you are because this in turn will predict how long you will live.

Glutathione has sometimes been referred to as the master of antioxidants because of its amazing power to provide more energy, cellular detox, promote the immune system, allow peak athletic performance and regulates the actions of lesser antioxidants such as vitamin C, and vitamin E within the body.

One doctor explained it like this. He said that everyone should know about this super antioxidant miracle food because we all cannot survive without this antioxidant.

So what is all the hype about this nutrient called glutathione and what are the five ways to imporove your health?

The first thing is that glutathione is necessary for everyone's energy level. Free radicals can overwhelm our bodies, which is where this antioxidant comes into play.

Think about it. Increased stress levels, endless toxins that we come in contact with such as pollutants, unhealthy food, lack of sleep and other factors all play a part in draining your body from optimized levels of performance in many ways. Glutathione has been proven to give back what your body has been lacking which gives you back the energy you once had.

And if you don't have your health, what do you have? If you have ever had just a bad upper respiratory infection or the flu and found yourself too tired to do anything, you know that you likely did not get much done during the time that you were sick. Your immune system depends on glutathione to function on a day to day basis and when these levels are not at the optimum level, you are at a greater risk for getting sick. And your body's immune system which consists of T-cells and white blood cells, all require this nutrient to be able to function at their best optimal level.

Thirdly, glutathione helps neutralize and actually get rid of the toxins that we all come in contact wtih by attacking these toxins, which in turn helps protect our bodies by balancing out our nervous system, immune system and endocrine system.

The fourth way that glutathione can help improve your life is that it helps your body utilize oxygen. If you are an athlete, this is very important. If you are an athlete and need a quick recovery time, glutathione has been shown to allow just that, a quicker recovery time after strenuous exercise.

Finally, glutathione can help with inflammation. Inflammation is at the heart of most major health issues which include anything from heart disease to joint and muscular issues. Glutathione is is very important because every cell needs this nutrient. The more glutathione you have in your body, the better chance you have at remaining healthy enough to fight whatever toxins you come in contact with.

by Cecilia Valenzuela

Friday, June 18, 2010

What To Look Out For When Buying Glutathione

buying glutathione
You may already be aware of the benefits of Glutathione, and you are looking to buy some so that you can see the results for yourself. Before we go into the actual buying process, let's do a brief recap on the benefits of Glutathione. That will help explain why Glutathione is gaining popularity in recent times.

Benefits of Glutathione - a brief recap.

As Glutathione is a natural antioxidant that exists in the body, it has the ability to protect the body from toxic substances such as pesticide, lactic acid, or metabolic byproducts. Toxins are high destructive substances, in the sense that they attempt to break down anything that they come in contact with. You can imagine what toxins can do to the body when they come in contact with cells. Cells actually get broken down very quickly when they come in contact with poisonous toxins. If nothing is being done to stop this process, it eventually leads to death.

The body has a natural defense to harmful toxins - Glutathione. Glutathione is produced within the cells and helps to protect the cells by neutralizing the toxins through a process called anti oxidation. When anti oxidation takes place, harmful substances become soluble, and is eliminated by the system as quickly as possible.

The health benefits provided by Glutathione are obvious. This nutrient helps to prevent cancer other diseases such as diabetes, nerve disorders, etc. This happens because the immune system is strengthened. Active Glutathione reduces the chances of toxic substances damaging cells in the body.

In addition, Glutathione has an amazing side benefit. It actually helps to smooth out wrinkles in the skin and remove freckles and pigments. It achieves this by eliminating excess Tyrosinase in the body. Tyrosinase is an enzyme that helps promote the growth of Melanin, and Melanin is responsible for dark skin color. When Tyrosinase is absent, the skin will start to whiten.

For this reason, many people start using Glutathione as a skin whitener.

Glutathione is commonly known as L-glutathione, and is promoted as a health supplement or a skin whitener by retail stores. There are also several online retailers who offer this wonderful health supplement for sale.

When buying L-glutathione, there are some things to look out for.

Firstly, you must remember that Glutathione must be produced from within the cells. In other words, amino acids must be present to simulate the environment of the cell before Glutathione can be produced. The three precursor amino acids are glycine, glutamate and cystine.

You should also determine the credibility of an online retailer by performing some due diligence. Visit online forums to read what others are saying about the products and the retailers. Are they overcharging? Are the products working like they are supposed to? If there are any concerns about the L-glutathione products, you will see others complaining about them.

A little bit of legwork is necessary to help safeguard yourself from buying counterfeit L-glutathione supplements. So spend some time to learn more about what Glutathione can or cannot do, and find out which are the established retailers who are offering genuine products.

by Gen Wright

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Glutathione - Anti-Oxidant Enzyme

anti oxidants
Glutathione Supporting Immune System.

Glutathione is a dominant anti-oxidant enzyme. It is protein that is physically occurring in your body and protects each cell. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant to maintaining health. An abundant and important antioxidant found within the cells that plays a massive role in the cell's ability to fight free-radical damage. Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, Glutathione must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body.

Glutathione is a water-soluble antioxidant complex made in the body and provided by the diet Glutathione is present in the diet in amounts usually less than 100 milligrams daily, and it does not emerge that much of the oral intake is absorbed from the intestine into the blood. Glutathione is not an essential nutrient since it can be synthesized from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamate and glycine. The liver is the major site of glutathione synthesis. In healthy tissue, more than 90% of the total glutathione pool is in the reduced form and less than 10% exists in the disulfide form. The enzyme glutathione disulfide reeducate is the principal enzyme that maintains glutathione in its reduced form.

What does Glutathione do?

Glutathion is essential to keep the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play an important role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity), which occurs in the development of an effective immune reaction. Glutathione has three major roles in the immune system: Antioxidant (A cell''s most important Antioxidant), Immune booster (A component of the Immune response) and Detoxifier (A Detoxifying agent in our body). The cells of the immune system produce many oxygen radicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays an essential role in fulfilling this requirement. Glutathione also acts as a chelator to bind and conduct out of the body heavy metals that source the free radical damage.

Benefits of Glutathione

* Glutathione is fundamental in supporting the immune system.
* Antioxidants play vital roles in health protection.
* Low Glutathione levels with poor endurance in AIDS patients.
* It is a powerful antioxidant and thus neutralizes free radicals and prevents their development.
* Glutathione is capable to reduce oxidized Vitamin C and Vitamin E back to their unoxidized state.
* It maintains the cellular redox likely.
* Protects the reliability of red blood cells.
* Glutathione is implicated in maintaining normal brain function.

Glutathione Precautions

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should keep away from the use of supplementary glutathione. Glutathione is a stray drug for the healing of AIDS-associated cachexia. Its use for this suggestion must be medically supervised.

Suggested Use

Dosage ranges from 50 to 600 milligrams daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.

by Jenny